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Helping Your Children Through a Divorce

Mom and daughter talking on couch

No one gets married expecting to one day go through a divorce. Unfortunately, that’s the reality for roughly 40 percent of all married couples in America. And while a divorce is, of course, difficult for both married parties, it can also be difficult on their kids.

Helping Children Cope with Divorce

Approximately 50 percent of all children in the United States will witness the end of a parent’s marriage at some point in their life. The way you and your partner approach your divorce will have a big impact on your children’s future, so it’s important to:

Speak openly and honestly with your kids.

As a parent, it can be tempting to avoid talking about the divorce with your kids until it’s finalized. And while every family and situation is unique, most experts suggest speaking with your kids on a level they will understand. If kids suddenly see that one parent isn’t around as much or both parents are hostile towards one another, it can just create more confusion and worry.

Remind them none of this is their fault.

Throughout your divorce, it’s important to always remind your kids that none of this is “their fault” and that they are still very loved by both parents. Children have a tendency to blame themselves for a divorce, so you should frequently remind them that they’re not responsible.

Keep a regular schedule.

Kids need structure in their lives. While we know it’s sometimes difficult, try to make as few changes as possible. Allowing kids to stay in their childhood home, living in the same neighborhood, and in the same school with friends can have a very positive impact on how they cope with the divorce.

At Blood Law, PLLC, we believe in helping our clients achieve their goals – no matter how complex their divorce or other family law issue. Our experienced attorneys provide tailored legal services with a unique, team-based approach to do our best to achieve these results.

To learn more about our legal services, contact our lawyers online or give us a call at (704) 286-0570.